Buchanan & Edwards to Support New Blue System Operations and Maintenance (NBSOM) Program Modernizing GAO's Product Development and Distribution Processes.
WASHINGTON, August 18, 2021 — Buchanan & Edwards Inc. (BE), an award-winning and fast-growing technology leader delivering transformative solutions to the national security community, has been awarded a 5-year, $42.3 million dollar contract with the Government Accountability Office (GAO) Information Systems & Technology Service’s (ISTS) office.
As an independent, nonpartisan Legislative Branch agency, GAO advises Congress and various agency leaders on ways to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and responsiveness. As a recipient of this contract, BE will work within GAO’s Information Systems and Technology Services (ISTS) office to deliver and modernize Information Technology (IT) operations, maintenance, and development services to the organization.
"We desire to be the IT provider of choice for the GAO community and are honored that GAO has entrusted BE to support this major initiative,” said Eric Olson, CEO of Buchanan & Edwards. “Our ability to consistently deliver quality IT support services while concurrently developing, enhancing, and modernizing technical solutions makes us a great fit to support this mission."
Under the contract, BE will lead the modernization and development of the New Blue System Operations & Maintenance (NBSOM) program, which enables staff to work collaboratively on developing and publishing structured content that can easily be published to multiple distribution channels without manual rework.
"We’re experts at developing and delivering innovative solutions that solve the technical problems our clients face," remarked Mohamed Elansary, VP of Business Development and Strategic Initiatives at Buchanan & Edwards. "This is a great opportunity for BE to support GAO's product development, publishing, and distribution processes while directly impacting the GAO mission to provide Congress, the heads of executive agencies, and the public with timely, fact-based, non-partisan information. Leveraging our cloud and infrastructure practice, BE will migrate GAO’s New Blue System to an AWS cloud-based environment helping to improve government, optimize system efficiency, and save taxpayers money.”