Buchanan & Edwards Subsidiary R2C Partners with ICCP on Public Sector Data Governance Certification

WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2017 – The Reports & Requirements Company (R2C), a wholly owned subsidiary of Buchanan & Edwards, an award-winning and fast-growing technology leader creating transformative solutions for government customers, announced today it has partnered with ICCP©® to offer training and certification specifically tailored for government employees and companies who work with government entities and their data. This initiative will enable R2C to help federal, state and local government customers address their own unique data governance challenges.

“Data governance training and literature has typically focused on commercial business drivers and monetizing data, but a government’s responsibilities to its citizens puts a different spin on data governance,” said Kathy Rondon, chief operating officer of R2C. “We are pleased to have been able to partner with a credentialing organization like ICCP to address the specific needs of governance in a public sector environment.”

The Public Sector Data Governance Professional (PSDGP) certification is obtained through passage of an ICCP©® certification exam. R2C provides a three-day training course that covers the concepts, best practices, and terminology specific to Public Sector Data Governance.

About R2C

A wholly owned subsidiary of Buchanan & Edwards, R2C provides consulting services to federal government clients in intelligence collection, reporting and data governance related to high priority national security concerns. The company has a specific focus on the policies and management of large volumes of data, effective approaches to evaluating and sharing data, and innovative techniques for information collection. For additional information, please visit R2C’s website at www.ther2c.com

About ICCP

ICCP is a non-profit association certifying the business, data, and computer professionals.  Established in 1973, an association of associations and universities providing national benchmarking services to academics, professionals and students. The group, based in Chicago, continues to grow and expand their current offerings to meet today’s needs. For additional information, please visit ICCP’s website at ICCP.org

Media Contact: Kristina Messner (Focused Image for Buchanan & Edwards), 703-678-6023, kmessner@focusedimage.com


September 14, 2017

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