Buchanan & Edwards Completes Critical CGFS Initiative


WASHINGTON, September 28, 2020 Buchanan & Edwards Inc., an award-winning and fast-growing technology leader delivering transformative solutions for the national security community has successfully delivered a high-visibility and complex public website for the Bureau of the Comptroller and Global Financial Services (CGFS) for the U.S. Department of State’s Account Receivable Branch (ARB).

Buchanan & Edwards (BE) completed a high priority initiative with CGFS for the comprehensive development and launch of ARB’s public facing website, which is a resource for U.S. citizens and residents who received government-assisted global evacuations due to COVID-19. The unprecedented circumstances and large number of COVID-19 evacuees created an urgent demand for a widely accessible informational portal for the government’s evacuation loan recipients. BE started immediately – standing up the ARB site, distributing standard forms, publishing billing timelines, and providing frequently asked questions. By deploying these capabilities in an extremely compressed timeframe, BE was able to provide a valuable resource for pandemic evacuees.

“This effort is a testament to BE’s commitment and partnership with CGFS and the Department of State. Our team understood the critical nature of this complex project and went above and beyond to meet the compressed timeline and exceed the customers’ expectations,” said Eric Olson, CEO of Buchanan & Edwards. “I have seen multiple messages from CGFS leadership, including the Acting Comptroller, recognizing this massive effort, and we’re proud to have been part of this important initiative,” commented Olson.

“The global onset of the pandemic necessitated the immediate evacuation of our U.S. citizens and residents. Once citizens were repatriated, the need for a timely solution to assist our citizens and streamline resources for their evacuation repayments was very clear,” said Lionel Fleshman, CGFS Project Manager for Buchanan & Edwards. “Our team quickly organized and began driving this critical project, recognizing the multiple requirements, addressing hurdles, and ultimately delivering a solution in a very short timeframe. The dedication to this effort was undeniable and very much appreciated,” commented Fleshman.

To learn more about payment Information for government assisted evacuations due to COVID-19, visit the U.S. Department of State’s ARB’s website.

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